Monday, August 31, 2015

So you want to do a cleanse?

So it's definitely not as popular as it used to be but I still have clients ask me about cleanses at least weekly. So here we go I will try to clear up this murky water a bit. My knee jerk reaction is to tell people "don't waste your money or stress." There are a few good reasons to partake in this nonsense though, but first let's blow some crap out of the water.

If you already are eating mostly whole clean foods and are taking probiotics then a cleanse is going to do exactly jack for you. If you have been eating total crap like most people do then a cleanse may be a great way to start some new beneficial habits or it will do exactly jack for you. Here's the problem from my own personal observations: People who consistently eat like crap tend to be the folks who want to try a cleanse to lose some lbs. The advertising is tailor made for these people in a damn near predatory manner. Lose up to 15 pounds in 10 days! Drop a dress size in 3 days! While this may be true if you do what the fine print says and drop all fried foods, processed carbs or carbs altogether, eat only quality low fat meats, and rock some vegetables, I know a much larger number of folks who just pop the pills lose maybe a pound of water weight and wonder what happened. Look at what you are doing on this type of cleanse if done properly. Typically you are taking probiotics which will replace the bad bacteria in your gut with good bacteria which can pull more nutrients out of the food you consume. There is also usually some sort of water pill that will make you pee out one orifice or another more than normal thus dropping some water weight and making you feel like you are "getting rid of toxins." The bigger changes are coming from your diet though. If you are used to eating a ton of fat and carbs and you basically take those out of your diet you will drop weight. The high fat fried foods coming out will drop you daily calorie intake substantially and if you drop all non fibrous carbs you will drop about 10 lbs of water in the first week. So what did you actually pay for? Really just the probiotic, assuming the cleanse you bought even had one in it which many don't. Now bear in mind this is an example of the kind of cleanse that is better than the more common cleanse fads.

Most commonly you see a 3-5 day juice cleanse. It is marketed as a juice cleanse but really it's a fast combined with soiling yourself multiple times a day if you aren't within arm's reach of a bathroom. You will lose a substantial amount of weight on this type of cleanse. You will also feel like death. But hey, you will fit into that damn dress until you decide to stop being anorexic and eat some food. Think back to the last time you had the flu. You sweated out a ton of water, puked and pooped your brains out, and didn't eat for multiple days. How many pounds did you lose? A bunch right? So with these kinds of cleanses you basically are choosing to do to your body what we take vaccines for to prevent. Worse yet you paid money for this privilege and probably made 2 of your friends do it with you! That right there is messed up.

Alright .... sorry about that. My rant is over for a moment. I promise. The good thing about cleanses though, is they force you to put your wallet where your desires are. Do not underestimate this. Even if it was a sugar pill. If you dropped $10,000.00 you would make sure you get the results you were supposed to get just out of the fear of embarrassment.

Here's what is the actual solution is though:
1. Clean up your diet pretty much in line with the first example's recommendations.
2. If you want to consume carbs try to center them around your workouts within a few hours.
3. Take a probiotic when you are getting started for the first month or so.

And that's it. Bad gut bacteria which prevent your body from getting all the nutrients from your food come about as a result of a high sugar high calorie diet. If you rectify that then the bad bacteria die off and the probiotics load  you up with the good little guys. You will now get the benefits of your body absorbing the nutrients from all of the high quality foods you are eating and you drop weight. Real weight. As in fat. Not just water and muscle.

The only product rivaling the level of shenanigans found within the juice cleanse is the It Works crowd. Oh gosh I need to stop writing. I feel another rant coming on.

Talk Soon

Dan Mason

 Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Which Diet is Right for Me?

This is a question that I get nearly everyday if not multiple times a day. The answer is a whole lot more about you than it is about the actual program. Are you a person who hates tracking calories and grams of macro-nutrients? Then you may want to avoid "If it fits your macros." Do you have a sweet tooth? If so a Ketogenic diet may be a bad call. Here's a brief overview of some popular methods out there. Which sounds like you?

1. IIFYM: If it fits your macros is the counting game. This is probably the most popular currently and most closely resembles the old school bodybuilding diet. You will first figure out your BMR which is how many calories you burn just living. From there you will need to figure your daily protein, carbohydrate, and fat needs. Then you track all your stuff. This method is a proven system but some folks have trouble adhering to it due to the effort it takes to track your food. My thought is that if you are too lazy to write down what you shove down your gullet you are probably too lazy to have success in the body composition realm. It takes some actual effort. Abs don't happen by accident unless you are 90 lbs.

2. Paleo: So this can work well especially if you are very overweight. This is mostly due to the fact that you will be experiencing a calorie deficit compared to what you are used to. It's kind of nice because there isn't any counting. It's because of this though, that it isn't that great for performance in the gym long term. It is hard to eat enough calories on a strict Paleo diet. No if you want to bastardize it and add in sweat potatoes and rice it works  pretty well and starts to resemble the IIFYM without the counting. The trade off is once you start putting carbs into your diet again and aren't counting many people get fat again. But at least you can look down at everyone who isn't "Paleo" and try to convert them like some annoying  Vegans do. (sorry I kind of hate how the Paleo and Vegan movements operate with a mob mentality.) If you are not that active and can eliminate some specific food groups Paleo is great. If you want to chase athletic performance or like carbs then it's not the right fit for you.

3. Vegan/Vegetarian: I know I will get some hate for lumping these together but sorry they both have similar benefits and drawbacks. Similar to Paleo but on the total opposite end these diets can work but you need to pay attention to possible Iron and B12 deficiencies. If you are strict vegan the iron deficiency is actually less of an issue as you don't have lots dairy mucking it up. You should definitely take a B12 supplement though. If you are an Lacto-Ovo-Vegetarian then you get to eat dairy and eggs! The eggs will help with the B12 and make it a non issue. The iron deficiency may be an issue though depending on how much you rely on dairy for protein needs. This will come into effect especially for Strength Athletes who are Vegetarians. Try to dial the dairy down and get more protein from egg whites, peas, and tofu. The main advantages to going with animal protein can be made up for with eggs and whey. Just don't overdo the dairy. In the end when it comes to performance you have a lot of counting to do in order to make sure you are getting enough of certain nutrients but if you chose this diet for ethical reasons that shouldn't dissuade you. It can work and I have done it personally in the past.

3. Ketogenic/Cyclical Ketogenic: This is nice for the same reason Paleo is nice. No counting. Just keep carbs to 30g or under per day and you are good to go. The first week is hard as your body is converting over to using Keytones for fuel instead of tapping into your Glycogen Stores but after that you will be surprised how fast you lean down. There are some drawbacks though. First you have to give up carbs. Carbs are tasty. If you love fatty foods though, this diet lets you smash some serious goodies. Non Lean Beef, Bacon, Eggs, etc. are all on the menu in darn near as large amounts as you can handle. Due to the fact that you will be eating fat and protein exclusively you will not be hungry often. If you have a sweet tooth you are screwed though. Adding the Cyclical in there helps. Once per week you get to smash doughnuts, rice, or whatever other carbs you want to for a 4 hour period in the evening. This resets your body into using carbs as fuel right when it was getting used to using fat. This is the key as to why you continually lean down. In general if you can hack this diet it will work well.

4. Eating Clean: Similar to Paleo but you get to add in whole grains. I don't see anything wrong with this strategy per se, but it is still possible to consume too many calories with this diet. I think it fits in great with a IIFYM strategy, and if you can hack it may be my ideal diet for getting consistent results with clients. If you are currently eating a horrible diet eg. Fast food for every meal than you will notice some great results at first. This is due to the quality of food you are eating partially but mostly it's due to the fact that real food is more filling that processed stuff so you will be eating fewer calories.

I have used all of these various diet plans with clients and myself at various times. All have been successful. you just have to decide which ones work the best for you and your lifestyle. Feel free to drop a comment and hit me up here or on my other social media.

Talk Soon

Dan Mason

 Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR

Sunday, August 23, 2015

I Don't Have Time to Lift and Do Cardio!

I hear this all the time, and typically it's from super out of shape folks. So if you are one of the people who "don't have time" then I have an assignment for you.
1. Get a piece of paper or get out that smart phone and write down the day in 15 minute increments.
Yep...The whole darn day, or at least the 16 hours you are awake. If you are awake more than that then you are doing something wrong. If you fill every 15 minute block with productive crap then you will have no need to stay up late and get up early.

2. Write out what you do for every 15 minute block. You will see how much time you are just dorking around with. Add it up. See how much time you waste in a day watching TV, eating out, playing on your phone etc.

Now if we are talking about fitness in particular here are some guidelines that will save time.
1. Stick to compound movements like the bench press, shoulder press, pull ups, rows, squats, deadlifts, and lunges. If you are at the gym doing curls and tricep extensions for 90 minutes 3 days a week you are wasting time and probably not getting any visible results. You are just giving yourself the psychological pat on the back and an excuse as to why you aren't in better shape. "I don't know why I am not shredded yet. I am at the gym for like 2 hours every other day."

2. If you have to do cardio then do it. The only reason that you would have to in my book is if you are an endurance athlete or cutting down for a bodybuilding show, but if it's for bodybuilding then it's probably better and more time friendly to wage that war in the kitchen. I would suggest HIIT. Instead of jogging for and hour on the treadmill why not do sprints on the bike 30 seconds on 2 minutes off for 20-30 minutes. Research shows the calorie burn is the same as jogging for around 90 minutes. There I just saved you an hour.

3. Prep your meals on the weekend and skip eating out. This is a HUGE time saver and will help with weight loss and budget dramatically.

In the end I bet if you found someone who is successful in career and body composition you would see a ton less wasted time in their schedule than the person who can't hold down a good job and is out of shape. The issue is your ability to prioritize not the lack of hours in the day. I bet if you tried to set out 4 hours for productive things that need to get done you would have a solid 3-4 hours to fill with the gym or video gaming or TV or whatever you want. The best part is you still probably have time for 8 hours of sleep. Prepare for success and you will achieve it. Whine and complain like a toddler and you life will remain out of your control just like a 2 year old. Everyone is busy but people who kick life's ass learn how to drive toward their goals methodically and consistently. If something is important to you you will make time for it. If it isn't then be okay with that. If you would rather have TV time than a six pack that's totally fine but don't come whining to me about being out of shape. You make choices every moment of every day. There are no excuses.

Talk Soon

Dan Mason

 Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

You Will NOT Succeed

Sorry for the title but there's just no other way to say it. I get emails on a daily basis from people wanting workout programs of diet/nutrition recommendations. That's AWESOME! Heck, that's how I make a chunk of my income. Through the onboarding process I ask a ton of questions to get a complete picture of the person who I would love to help through their physical journey. One question in particular matters more than all others. Why do you want to lose body fat, get stronger, run faster etc. If your answer is something having to do with how others perceive you than I will do my best to work with you, as I want to help as many people as possible, but chances are that long term, you won't succeed. To understand this lets look at some psychological underpinnings.

"Joe, why do you want to lose weight?"
"I just want to get rid of these love handles."
"Right on. Why does losing your love handles matter to you?"
"I just think that if I get abs and lose my love handles people will look at me differently."

Here in lies the problem. If Joe's primary motivation is to get recognition from other people in order to boost his self esteem by getting ripped he may hit his goal. He could get abs. Then after a few weeks he will realized that people are still treating him basically the same. He has built a façade of awesomeness. That's cool at first but after people get to know him the inner self esteem issues will resurface and people will start acting toward him as they always did. Or at least he will perceive them as treating him like they did before.

Compare this situation to one where a client wants to lose weight so they can actually play with their grandchildren without losing their breath, or a guy who wants to see how big of a total he can hit at a powerlifting meet. Although those goals are slightly different they are goals that are internal goals. They are goals to impact a client's life within themselves. Often while achieving these goals the people will start to look better as well. That's isn't the primary goal though.

Typically the follow up question of "why is that your goal?" is the revealing question you need to get to. If Joe wanted to lose his love handles to see how lean and ripped he can get as a personal goal not as a way to get other people to "like" him then he will probably succeed in whatever goals he has for himself.

This is similar to how addicts overcome drugs. If they quit because it's better for their family addicts will often fail. If they quit for themselves the chance of success goes way up. Health and fitness are no different.

I hope this helps you guys a bit. I feel for people who want to be accepted. Most everyone wants this, but for the sake of your success, you need to how to focus your goal internally. If you can't do this then you need to work loving yourself for who you are before worrying about training and dieting to be accepted by others.

Talk to you soon,

Dan Mason

Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR

Monday, August 17, 2015

How much? What kind of food? Math is hard!

I am sure you are aware there are a ton of different diets and nutrition plans. Probably the most common are the ones based around counting your macro nutrients and shooting for a calorie and nutrient goal. Here's a little cheat sheet that I give all my clients that can make food choice and amounts easy to figure out. Note this is all pretty "clean" food. If you want to know how much is in a pizza or doughnut I say don't worry about the nutrient content and just continue to get morbidly obese, but be sure to keep that membership to Planet Fitness and pretend like you actually want to get in shape. That way you can blame that sweaty, flabby, ever-worsening body on bad genetics or your "busy" life, and you can tell all your friends "I've tried EVERYTHING!" (Sorry. That's a rant for another day)

So if you are having a mix of Carbs, Proteins, and Fats then grab the prescribed amount of meat and good fats and fill in with either as much veggies as you want or a small serving of the healthy carbs. For best results you should keep the carb consumption to the hours surrounding your workout. For the most fat loss Keep the carbs totally out except for once per week. Lastly don't waste money on recover shakes that are super expensive. Just get some Whey Isolate you like the taste of and add a serving of one of the carb powders listed below for the workout shake. For the best taste try to match the flavors. Watermelon isolate with watermelon Kool-Aid etc. Don't go Chocolate protein with apple juice. Anyway, here's the list!

Lean Protein Sources
Any fish (tuna, salmon, etc…)
Any seafood (shrimp, scallops etc) 
Chicken breast
Turkey breast
Any beef 90% or leaner
Any steak 90% or leaner
Any turkey 90% or leaner
Egg Whites or Egg Substitute ( 2 egg whites = 1oz meat)
For meats: 2oz  = 12g protein, 3oz = 18g protein, 4oz = 24g protein
5oz  = 30g protein, 6oz = 36g protein, 7oz = 42g protein

Green Peppers
Green Beans
Portabella Mushrooms
Yellow Squash
1 small handful = 1 cup

Healthy Fats
Small handful of any nuts
1/2 avocado
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp canola oil
2 tbsp any natural nut butter
1 serving apprx = 15g fat

Healthy Carbs
Whole grain bread
Brown rice
Whole wheat pasta
Sweet Potatoes
Any fruit

Shake Carbs
Fruit Punch
Kool Aid
Any Fruit Juice

Talk to you soon,

Dan Mason

Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Way of the Ronin

The Ronin, for those who don't know were Samurai in feudal Japan who for various reasons no longer had a home or clan. This could be for many reasons. Their master could have died, the Samurai was disgraced and kicked out of the clan, or in later times due to Japanese law their land could have been annexed by the government causing the same issue. When any of these things happened the Samurai were supposed to kill themselves or lose their honor forever. If they chose not to then they were deemed "Ronin." This was supposed to be a disgraceful label but as time went on many more warriors became part of this class rather than disembowel themselves to save face. From here they would have to strike out on their own and figure out ways to survive. Many became mercenaries and others found work as farmhands or the like. In any case they were no longer in the fold and structure they were used to. They had to go figure out what to do on their own with no guidance. I know...I know. This is supposed to be a blog on training, diet, and other things of that nature not a history lesson. I promise we're getting there.

This is where the Ronin Strength philosophy comes from. For me, I was a partner at a local gym. It was great times and I still love the people there. If you are in Westfield, Indiana you should definitely drop in at CrossFit Thrive and check them out. I tend to be restless though and decided it was time to move on from that project and focus on my own competitive strength endeavors. I more or less, became a Ronin. Even though I sold the gym and everything was pretty smooth transitioning out there was the bitter-sweetness that is to be expected with such a big change, I found myself no longer directly a part of the community I had come to rely on for support. I realized the way I trained had to change, I needed to find training partners, coaches, or a combination of all three. It was an interesting opportunity. Over the past six months I have had to try new ideas on how to train, I had to get used to doing the majority of my training by myself yet still push hard enough to get the results if I was going to be a Strongman Competitor on the national level. It had it's highs and lows but overall I have learned a ton and have been blessed by the blessings and challenges that come with an education bred from experience.

I feel like this can apply to many of you out there as well. So many of us grew up playing sports on teams where our training was laid out for us. We didn't really have to think. We just had to show up and be ready to work. It was hard work, but it was totally doable because it was dropped on us and we had no choice but to put our heads down and grind it out. Once you get out of High School or College though, depending on how far you made it, circumstances change big time. You no longer have a coach yelling at you to do one more rep or work harder. If you didn't develop that voice in your head to drive you then you were out of luck. Add to that the fact that your metabolism starts to slow down so what you eat starts to actually matter, you get busier than you ever were in school with a 40-60 hour a week job, your married, you have kids, etc. It can seem daunting to get back on the ball and reawaken your inner ass kicker. Let me say that I want to be here to inspire you and say that those days do not have to drift into the background of your past. Your time to be awesome has not yet passed. You may think you don't have the time or energy to get after it in the gym, but you do. If it's a priority then you will MAKE it a priority. If you make time to watch TV every night for 1-2 hours you can do some push ups during the commercials. Be like the Ronin. Do not drop to your knees and accept what society says your fate should be or embrace the boring life of menial labor. Get off your ass and go conquer some shit!

Talk to you soon,

Dan Mason

Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR