Monday, September 7, 2015

The Crush Life List

We all are familiar with "To Do Lists" or "The Honey Do List." What are your initial feelings when you think about these. Are you excited to accomplish these tasks? Do they feel like a burden? Does the list just get so long that you never finish so you just top making them? Today let me introduce you to the concept of the "Crush Life List" or "Kill the Day List." Use whichever you prefer. How different would your motivation be by just changing the title? This simple change does a few important things, at least for me. First, it makes me feel like more of a bad ass even if "do the laundry" is on there. Also this title lets me know that accomplishing these tasks won't just knock a task out it will help get me somewhere in life. Third it makes what gets put on the list more selective. For example laundry probably wouldn't make the list in most cases, but if you have no clothes to wear and you don't want to wear smelly dirty gym clothes tomorrow it should probably be task number 1.

This all sounds fine and dandy but there are a few rules we should follow that have served me well. First there are definitely things that should not make the list. These include anything that you do every day or things that you do automatically. So if you are like me and train hard 4 or 5 days a week and have been for a number of years then "go the the gym and workout" won't be on the list. If you are trying to establish that as a habit then it definitely should be. Everything on the list should be an activity that is not happening every day and gets you closer to reaching  your personal goals. Lastly try not to go crazy. 4 or 5 things on this list per day will be about perfect. You probably can knock them all out in a few hours. So buckle down and get them done. It's great how streamlined your day becomes when you have clear goals and expectation. The distractions go down and productivity goes up. Think of where your life could be if you nailed 4 things this productive every day for a year. That list of 4 little goals turns into 1460 accomplishments in that time. 

Let's take me for an example. Here's today's kill list:

1. come up with 2 awesome shirt concepts and draw them up
2. Finalize dates for upcoming strength seminars
3. Dry run the lectures of the seminars to figure out a timeline
4. Outline a loose marketing strategy for upcoming challenge groups
5. Write a blog post

I knocked this list out in 2 and a half hours. If I nail 4 points like that every day. By next year I should be making a good chunk of change on my side gig here and will be helping tons of other people just like me reach their personal goals! How cool is that?

I want to challenge you guys to make a Crush List and get it done. Do it for a month and let me know how it goes. What were the struggles? What were the rewards? Comment below or email me. I really am interested in seeing what building this practice does for you guys. I know it has laid some amazing groundwork for me.

Talk Soon

Dan Mason

 Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR

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