Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wendler Wisdom

So we may be about to have another Google moment here. If you don't know who Jim Wendler is than go figure it out and come back. Don't worry. I'll wait.

So now you know Jim was a 1000lb squatter and wrote probably the best selling fitness ebook of all time 531. What I love about him though is his no BS attitude toward training and life. Here's a fun little tid bit we will discuss

Whiney Loser: "If I didn't have a job and lifting was my job I'd be that strong too."

Jim Wendler: "No you wouldn't. You'd be playing Xbox all day, engrossed in reality TV and sleeping until noon. You are weak because you are weak."

BOOM! Drop the damn mic! This is as true in real life as it is in training. There are two kinds of people who aren't where they want to be in life. People who want to blame their own personal misfortunes and situations on outside influences. Then there are people who see where they want to be, see where they are, and take steps to achieve their goals. There's no coincidence that the whiners tend to stay weak or poor and the positive people with a goals and plans tend to reach their goals or at the very least end up closer to them.

If you are weak and want to be strong train and eat lots of food.
"But I eat all the time and I can't gain weight. I guess I have bad genetics."
If you aren't gaining weight then keep eating until the scale moves. It isn't rocket science.

If you are not where you want to be financially why are you sitting on the couch reading this blog. Start writing your own or get a part time job. Make something and sell it at a craft show.

There's always something you can be doing to improve you station in life, relationships, and the gym.

Where you are is your fault and yours alone. A phrase I like to use whenever I accomplish something awesome or fail miserably is:

"I Built Me."

It's easy to fall into the trap of blaming an outside source for where you are at. When you turn it around like this you will be empowered to change your station in the gym or finances.

So be happy. It's your fault so it's your power.

Talk soon,

Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes and a powerlifter in the 275lb class. He holds instructor level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been training people for strength and martial arts since 2004.

You can follow Dan on Instagram @RoninStr
For training and diet plans email roninstr@gmail.com

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