Sunday, August 23, 2015

I Don't Have Time to Lift and Do Cardio!

I hear this all the time, and typically it's from super out of shape folks. So if you are one of the people who "don't have time" then I have an assignment for you.
1. Get a piece of paper or get out that smart phone and write down the day in 15 minute increments.
Yep...The whole darn day, or at least the 16 hours you are awake. If you are awake more than that then you are doing something wrong. If you fill every 15 minute block with productive crap then you will have no need to stay up late and get up early.

2. Write out what you do for every 15 minute block. You will see how much time you are just dorking around with. Add it up. See how much time you waste in a day watching TV, eating out, playing on your phone etc.

Now if we are talking about fitness in particular here are some guidelines that will save time.
1. Stick to compound movements like the bench press, shoulder press, pull ups, rows, squats, deadlifts, and lunges. If you are at the gym doing curls and tricep extensions for 90 minutes 3 days a week you are wasting time and probably not getting any visible results. You are just giving yourself the psychological pat on the back and an excuse as to why you aren't in better shape. "I don't know why I am not shredded yet. I am at the gym for like 2 hours every other day."

2. If you have to do cardio then do it. The only reason that you would have to in my book is if you are an endurance athlete or cutting down for a bodybuilding show, but if it's for bodybuilding then it's probably better and more time friendly to wage that war in the kitchen. I would suggest HIIT. Instead of jogging for and hour on the treadmill why not do sprints on the bike 30 seconds on 2 minutes off for 20-30 minutes. Research shows the calorie burn is the same as jogging for around 90 minutes. There I just saved you an hour.

3. Prep your meals on the weekend and skip eating out. This is a HUGE time saver and will help with weight loss and budget dramatically.

In the end I bet if you found someone who is successful in career and body composition you would see a ton less wasted time in their schedule than the person who can't hold down a good job and is out of shape. The issue is your ability to prioritize not the lack of hours in the day. I bet if you tried to set out 4 hours for productive things that need to get done you would have a solid 3-4 hours to fill with the gym or video gaming or TV or whatever you want. The best part is you still probably have time for 8 hours of sleep. Prepare for success and you will achieve it. Whine and complain like a toddler and you life will remain out of your control just like a 2 year old. Everyone is busy but people who kick life's ass learn how to drive toward their goals methodically and consistently. If something is important to you you will make time for it. If it isn't then be okay with that. If you would rather have TV time than a six pack that's totally fine but don't come whining to me about being out of shape. You make choices every moment of every day. There are no excuses.

Talk Soon

Dan Mason

 Dan is a nationally ranked amateur
strongman competitor in the 242lb
and 275lb classes. He holds instructor
level ranks in Taekwondo, Muay Thai,
and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He as been
training people for strength and martial
arts since 2004.
Instagram: @RoninSTR

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